John S. Cleare

P J S 1945-1954

We have been notified of the sad death of John Cleare who passed away peacefully on 6th October 2024, aged 88. Our thoughts and best wishes go to his family and those who knew him well.

John was very well known and respected in mountaineering circles, a member for over 60 years and previous Vice-President of the Alpine club, and also a photographer and writer on the subject.

In 2020 John wrote an interesting piece for TWS on his memories of life at and after the College. You can still read it here:

If you would like to have your memories of John posted on this webpage, please feel free to email them to

At Wycliffe:

Captain of Boats
Rugby 2nd XV

Member: Literary Society, Library Committee, Dramatic, Opera, Scouts, A.T.C.